Sonic Frequency Table (SFT)


Center your body and mind with our custom designed frequency table!

What is it?

Our custom designed Sonic Frequency Table has special transducers that vibrate harmonically composed music in 432Hz with solfeggio frequencies. The table delivers vibrational frequencies into the body in a therapeutic manner for a complete body experience that is felt inside and out. Colored lights enhance the effect and match the vibrational frequency being used. Treatment benefits can last 24-48 hours. Multiple treatments will bring your body into its natural baseline and allow your nervous system to regulate more efficiently. You can experience the benefits of this therapy as often as you would like.


May vary, but are not limited to:

  • Relaxation

  • Calm

  • Being Energized

  • Peace

  • Muscle Tension Relief

  • Increased Focus

  • Improved Sleep

  • Spiritual Awakening… and much more!

Explore the Frequencies

  • Helps to aid in the treatment of reducing or eliminating fear-based thinking. Due to fear being one of the emotions that possess a very low vibration, and low vibrations attract negative circumstances and outcomes, it’s important to develop strategies for raising this vibrational frequency.

    Use this solfeggio frequency to: reduce feelings of guilt and doubt, transform grief into joy, and raise thoughts to the higher vibrational state of positivity!

  • Helps to aid in the treatment of sleep, stress, tension & tight muscles, joint pain, lack of mobility, still low back, energy, physical blocks, frigidity, impotence, uterine/bladder/reporoductive organs, kidney problems, PTSD, creativity booster, negative energy block removal, and trigger change!

    Use this frequency to: Remove negative energy from your aura and enviroment, Reduce shame and anger-based thinking, and for motivation to embrace change.

  • Helps to aid in the treatment of anxiety, pain relief, weight gain, lack of feeling loved, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, digestive disorders, gallstones, PTSD, transformations & miracles, reprogramming the brain, inner peace, clarity of mind, creativity and imagination.

    Use this frequency to: Reduce stress and hormone levels,improve concentration, repair damaged DNA, increase feelings of positivity and love, connecting mind and body.

  • helps to aid in the treatment of anxiety, lowers heart rate & blood pressure, soothing effect physically and emotionally, improve sleep, and digestion!

    Use this frequency to: heighten intuition and connection to the universe, release emotional blockages, “oneness with all” feeling, and return any system to its highest, most perfect order.

15 minute Introductory session for only $20


15 minute Introductory session for only $20 ~

Packages are available in 15- and 30- minute sessions.

contact us today to schedule